home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /// Includes
- #define INTUI_V36_NAMES_ONLY
- #include <exec/types.h> // exec
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h> // dos
- #include <dos/dostags.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h> // intuition
- #include <libraries/gadtools.h> // libraries
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h> // protos
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h> // pragmas
- #include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "DEV_IE:Generators/defs.h"
- #include "DEV_IE:Include/IEditor.h"
- #include "Protos.h"
- ///
- /// WriteOpenWnd
- void WriteOpenWnd( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- struct WindowInfo *wnd;
- struct GadgetInfo *gad;
- UWORD cnt = 0;
- for( wnd = IE->win_list.mlh_Head; wnd->wi_succ; wnd = wnd->wi_succ ) {
- if(!( wnd->wi_NoOpenWnd )) { // supplied by an expander?
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\nPROC open%sWindow()\n"
- " DEF ret_code = NIL,\n"
- " g:PTR TO gadget\n",
- wnd->wi_Label );
- if( wnd->wi_NumGads ) {
- if( wnd->wi_NumBools )
- if( wnd->wi_IDCMP & IDCMP_GADGETHELP )
- FPuts( Files->Std, " DEF c\n" );
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, " DEF c\n" );
- }
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n computeFont( %ld, %ld )\n",
- wnd->wi_Width - ( IE->ScreenData->XOffset + IE->ScreenData->Screen->WBorRight ),
- wnd->wi_Height - ( IE->ScreenData->YOffset + IE->ScreenData->Screen->WBorBottom ));
- if(( IE->SrcFlags & LOCALIZE ) && ( wnd->wi_Tags & ( W_LOC_TITLE | W_LOC_SCRTITLE | W_LOC_GADGETS | W_LOC_MENUS | W_LOC_TEXTS ))) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n IF NOT localized[ %ld ]\n", cnt );
- if(( wnd->wi_Titolo[0] ) && ( wnd->wi_Tags & W_LOC_TITLE ))
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n %swtags[ 9 ].ti_data := catcomparray[ %swtags[ 9 ].ti_data ].cca_str\n",
- wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label );
- if(( wnd->wi_TitoloSchermo[0] ) && ( wnd->wi_Tags & W_LOC_SCRTITLE ))
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n DEF tg:PTR TO LONG\n"
- " tg := {%swtags}\n"
- " WHILE tg[]++ <> WA_SCREENTITLE\n"
- " tg[] = catcomparray[ tg[] ].cca_str\n"
- " ENDWHILE\n",
- wnd->wi_Label );
- if( wnd->wi_Tags & W_LOC_GADGETS ) {
- struct GadgetBank *bank;
- if( wnd->wi_NumGads - wnd->wi_NumBools ) {
- TEXT Up[60], Down[60];
- StrToUpper( wnd->wi_Label, Up );
- StrToLower( wnd->wi_Label, Down );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n localizeGadgets( %sngad, %sgtags, %sgtypes, %s_CNT )\n",
- Down, Down, Down, Up );
- for( gad = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head; gad->g_Node.ln_Succ; gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ )
- if(( gad->g_Kind == LISTVIEW_KIND ) && ( gad->g_NumScelte ))
- FPrintf( Files->Std, " localizeList( {%slist} );\n",
- gad->g_Label );
- }
- for( bank = wnd->wi_GBanks.mlh_Head; bank->Node.ln_Succ; bank = bank->Node.ln_Succ ) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\t\tLocalizeGadgets( &%sNGad[0], &%sGTags[0], &%sGTypes[0], %s_CNT );\n",
- bank->Label, bank->Label, bank->Label, bank->Label );
- for( gad = bank->Storage.mlh_Head; gad->g_Node.ln_Succ; gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ )
- if(( gad->g_Kind == LISTVIEW_KIND ) && ( gad->g_NumScelte ))
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\t\tLocalizeList( &%sList );\n", gad->g_Label );
- }
- }
- if(( wnd->wi_NumTexts ) && ( wnd->wi_Tags & W_LOC_TEXTS ))
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\t\tLocalizeITexts( &%sIText[0], %ld );\n",
- wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_NumTexts );
- if(( wnd->wi_NumMenus ) && ( wnd->wi_Tags & W_LOC_MENUS ))
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\t\tLocalizeMenus( &%sNewMenu[0] );\n",
- wnd->wi_Label );
- FPuts( Files->Std, " ENDIF\n" );
- }
- if( wnd->wi_NumGads ) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\tg = MakeGadgets( &%sGList, %sGadgets, %sNGad,\n"
- "\t\t%sGTypes, %sGTags, %s_CNT );\n"
- "\tif( g < 0 )\n"
- "\t\treturn( -g );\n",
- wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label,
- wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label );
- if( wnd->wi_NumBools ) {
- gad = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head;
- while( gad->g_Kind != BOOLEAN )
- gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ;
- if( wnd->wi_IDCMP & IDCMP_GADGETHELP ) {
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\tg = &%sGadget;\n"
- "\tfor( c = 0; c < %ld; c++ ) {\n"
- "\t\tg->BoundsLeftEdge = g->LeftEdge = XOffset + ScaleX( g->LeftEdge );\n"
- "\t\tg->BoundsTopEdge = g->TopEdge = YOffset + ScaleY( g->TopEdge );\n",
- gad->g_Label, wnd->wi_NumBools );
- else
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\tg = &%sGadget;\n"
- "\tfor( c = 0; c < %ld; c++ ) {\n"
- "\t\tg->LeftEdge += XOffset;\n"
- "\t\tg->TopEdge += YOffset;\n"
- "\t\tg->BoundsLeftEdge += XOffset;\n"
- "\t\tg->BoundsTopEdge += YOffset;\n",
- gad->g_Label, wnd->wi_NumBools );
- } else {
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\tg = &%sGadget;\n"
- "\tfor( c = 0; c < %ld; c++ ) {\n"
- "\t\tg->LeftEdge = XOffset + ScaleX( g->LeftEdge );\n"
- "\t\tg->TopEdge = YOffset + ScaleY( g->TopEdge );\n",
- gad->g_Label, wnd->wi_NumBools );
- else
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\tg = &%sGadget;\n"
- "\tfor( c = 0; c < %ld; c++ ) {\n"
- "\t\tg->LeftEdge += XOffset;\n"
- "\t\tg->TopEdge += YOffset;\n",
- gad->g_Label, wnd->wi_NumBools );
- }
- if(( IE->SrcFlags & LOCALIZE ) && ( wnd->wi_Tags & W_LOC_GADGETS ))
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\t\tif( g->GadgetText )\n"
- "\t\t\tif(!( Localized[ %ld ] ) && ( g->GadgetText->IText ))\n"
- "\t\t\t\tg->GadgetText->IText = (UBYTE *)CatCompArray[ (ULONG)g->GadgetText->IText ].cca_Str;\n",
- cnt );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\t\tg = g->NextGadget;\n"
- "\t}\n" );
- gad = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_TailPred;
- while( gad->g_Kind != BOOLEAN )
- gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Pred;
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\t%sGadget.NextGadget = %sGList;\n",
- gad->g_Label, wnd->wi_Label );
- }
- }
- if( wnd->wi_NumMenus )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\tif(!( %sMenus = CreateMenus( %sNewMenu, TAG_END )))\n"
- "\t\treturn( 3L );\n\n"
- "\tLayoutMenus( %sMenus, VisualInfo, GTMN_NewLookMenus, TRUE, TAG_END );\n\n",
- wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label );
- }
- // Gadget Banks
- {
- struct GadgetBank *bank;
- ULONG count = 0;
- for( bank = wnd->wi_GBanks.mlh_Head; bank->Node.ln_Succ; bank = bank->Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if( bank->Node.ln_Type & GB_ONOPEN ) {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\t{\n"
- "\t\tstruct Gadget\t*gad;\n"
- "\t\tgad = MakeGadgets( &%sGList, %sGadgets, %sNGad,\n"
- "\t\t\t%sGTypes, %sGTags, %s_CNT );\n"
- "\t\tif( gad < 0 )\n"
- "\t\t\treturn( -gad );\n"
- "\t\t%sWBanks.Banks[%ld] = g->NextGadget = %sGList;\n"
- "\t\tg = gad;\n"
- "\t}\n",
- bank->Label, bank->Label, bank->Label, bank->Label,
- bank->Label, bank->Label, wnd->wi_Label, count++,
- bank->Label );
- }
- }
- if( count )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\t%sWBanks.Count = %ld;\n",
- wnd->wi_Label, count );
- }
- // Expanders
- IE->win_info = wnd;
- ( *IE->IEXSrcFun->OpenWnd )( Files );
- if(!( wnd->wi_NoOpenWnd )) {
- FPuts( Files->Std, (( IE->SrcFlags & SHARED_PORT ) && ( wnd->wi_Tags & W_SHARED_PORT )) ?
- "\tret_code = OpenWndShd( " : "\tret_code = OpenWnd( " );
- if( wnd->wi_NumGads )
- if( wnd->wi_NumBools ) {
- gad = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head;
- while( gad->g_Kind != BOOLEAN )
- gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ;
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "&%sGadget", gad->g_Label );
- } else {
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "%sGList", wnd->wi_Label );
- }
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, Null );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, ", %sWTags, &%sWnd",
- wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label );
- if(( IE->SrcFlags & SHARED_PORT ) && ( wnd->wi_Tags & W_SHARED_PORT ))
- FPrintf( Files->Std, ", %s_IDCMP", wnd->wi_Label );
- FPuts( Files->Std, " );\n"
- "\tif( ret_code )\n"
- "\t\treturn( ret_code );\n" );
- if( wnd->wi_NumMenus )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\tSetMenuStrip( %sWnd, %sMenus );\n",
- wnd->wi_Label, wnd->wi_Label );
- if( wnd->wi_NeedRender )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\t%sRender();\n", wnd->wi_Label );
- if(( IE->SrcFlags & LOCALIZE ) && ( wnd->wi_Tags & ( W_LOC_TITLE | W_LOC_SCRTITLE | W_LOC_GADGETS | W_LOC_MENUS | W_LOC_TEXTS )))
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\n\tLocalized[ %ld ] = TRUE;\n", cnt );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\treturn( 0L );\n}\n\n" );
- }
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "void Close%sWindow( void )\n"
- "{\n",
- wnd->wi_Label );
- if( wnd->wi_NumBools )
- if( wnd->wi_IDCMP & IDCMP_GADGETHELP )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tstruct ExtGadget\t*g;\n"
- "\tint\t\tc;\n" );
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tstruct Gadget\t*g;\n"
- "\tint\t\tc;\n" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, (( IE->SrcFlags & SHARED_PORT ) && ( wnd->wi_Tags & W_SHARED_PORT )) ?
- "\n\tCloseWndShd( &%sWnd, " : "\n\tCloseWnd( &%sWnd, ", wnd->wi_Label );
- if( wnd->wi_NumGads - wnd->wi_NumBools )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "&%sGList, ", wnd->wi_Label );
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, "NULL, " );
- if( wnd->wi_NumMenus )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "&%sMenus", wnd->wi_Label );
- else
- FPuts( Files->Std, Null );
- FPuts( Files->Std, " );\n" );
- if( wnd->wi_NumBools ) {
- gad = wnd->wi_Gadgets.mlh_Head;
- while( gad->g_Kind != BOOLEAN )
- gad = gad->g_Node.ln_Succ;
- if( wnd->wi_IDCMP & IDCMP_GADGETHELP ) {
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\tg = &%sGadget;\n"
- "\tfor( c = 0; c < %ld; c++ ) {\n"
- "\t\tg->BoundsLeftEdge = g->LeftEdge = (((( g->LeftEdge - XOffset ) * %ld ) - %ld ) / FontX);\n"
- "\t\tg->BoundsTopEdge = g->TopEdge = (((( g->TopEdge - YOffset ) * %ld ) - %ld ) / FontY);\n"
- "\t\tg = g->NextGadget;\n"
- "\t}\n",
- gad->g_Label, wnd->wi_NumBools,
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_XSize,
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_XSize >> 1,
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_YSize,
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_XSize >> 1 );
- else
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\tg = &%sGadget;\n"
- "\tfor( c = 0; c < %ld; c++ ) {\n"
- "\t\tg->LeftEdge -= XOffset;\n"
- "\t\tg->TopEdge -= YOffset;\n"
- "\t\tg->BoundsLeftEdge -= XOffset;\n"
- "\t\tg->BoundsTopEdge -= YOffset;\n"
- "\t\tg = g->NextGadget;\n"
- "\t}\n",
- gad->g_Label, wnd->wi_NumBools );
- } else {
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\tg = &%sGadget;\n"
- "\tfor( c = 0; c < %ld; c++ ) {\n"
- "\t\tg->LeftEdge = (((( g->LeftEdge - XOffset ) * %ld ) - %ld ) / FontX);\n"
- "\t\tg->TopEdge = (((( g->TopEdge - YOffset ) * %ld ) - %ld ) / FontY);\n"
- "\t\tg = g->NextGadget;\n"
- "\t}\n",
- gad->g_Label, wnd->wi_NumBools,
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_XSize,
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_XSize >> 1,
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_YSize,
- IE->ScreenData->Screen->RastPort.Font->tf_XSize >> 1 );
- else
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\tg = &%sGadget;\n"
- "\tfor( c = 0; c < %ld; c++ ) {\n"
- "\t\tg->LeftEdge -= XOffset;\n"
- "\t\tg->TopEdge -= YOffset;\n"
- "\t\tg = g->NextGadget;\n"
- "\t}\n",
- gad->g_Label, wnd->wi_NumBools );
- }
- }
- // Expanders
- ( *IE->IEXSrcFun->CloseWnd )( Files );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n}\n" );
- cnt += 1;
- }
- }
- ///
- /// WriteOpenWndShd
- void WriteOpenWndShd( struct GenFiles *Files, struct IE_Data *IE )
- {
- FPuts( Files->Std, "LONG OpenWndShd( struct Gadget *GList, struct TagItem *WTags, struct Window **Wnd, ULONG IDCMP )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\tUWORD\t\ttc;\n" );
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tUWORD\t\tww, wh, oldww, oldwh;\n" );
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\n\tif( GList ) {\n"
- "\t\ttc = 0;\n"
- "\t\twhile( WTags[ tc ].ti_Tag != WA_Gadgets ) tc++;\n"
- "\t\tWTags[ tc ].ti_Data = (ULONG)GList;\n"
- "\t}\n\n" );
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tww = ScaleX( WTags[ WT_WIDTH ].ti_Data ) + XOffset + Scr->WBorRight;\n"
- "\twh = ScaleY( WTags[ WT_HEIGHT ].ti_Data ) + YOffset + Scr->WBorBottom;\n"
- "\n"
- "\tif(( WTags[ WT_LEFT ].ti_Data + ww ) > Scr->Width )\n"
- "\t\tWTags[ WT_LEFT ].ti_Data = Scr->Width - ww;\n"
- "\tif(( WTags[ WT_TOP ].ti_Data + wh ) > Scr->Height )\n"
- "\t\tWTags[ WT_TOP ].ti_Data = Scr->Height - wh;\n"
- "\n"
- "\toldww = WTags[ WT_WIDTH ].ti_Data;\n"
- "\toldwh = WTags[ WT_HEIGHT ].ti_Data;\n"
- "\tWTags[ WT_WIDTH ].ti_Data = ww;\n"
- "\tWTags[ WT_HEIGHT ].ti_Data = wh;\n\n" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\tWTags[8].ti_Data = (ULONG)Scr;\n"
- "\n\tif( *Wnd = OpenWindowTagList( NULL, &WTags[0] )) {\n"
- "\t\t( *Wnd )->UserPort = %s;\n"
- "\t\tModifyIDCMP( *Wnd, IDCMP );\n"
- "\t}\n\n",
- Files->User2 );
- if( IE->SrcFlags & FONTSENSITIVE )
- FPuts( Files->Std, "\tWTags[ WT_WIDTH ].ti_Data = oldww;\n"
- "\tWTags[ WT_HEIGHT ].ti_Data = oldwh;\n\n" );
- FPrintf( Files->Std, "\tif(!( *Wnd ))\n"
- "\t\treturn( 4L );\n\n"
- "\tGT_RefreshWindow( *Wnd, NULL );\n"
- "\treturn( 0L );\n"
- "}\n"
- "\nvoid CloseWndShd( struct Window **Wnd, struct Gadget **GList, struct Menu **Mn )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\tstruct IntuiMessage\t*Msg;\n"
- "\tstruct Node\t\t\t*succ;\n"
- "\n\tif( Mn ) {\n"
- "\t\tif( *Wnd )\n"
- "\t\t\tClearMenuStrip( *Wnd );\n"
- "\t\tFreeMenus( *Mn );\n"
- "\t\t*Mn = NULL;\n"
- "\t}\n"
- "\n\tif( *Wnd ) {\n"
- "\n\t\tForbid();\n"
- "\n\t\tMsg = (struct IntuiMessage *)( *Wnd )->UserPort->mp_MsgList.lh_Head;\n"
- "\t\twhile( succ = Msg->ExecMessage.mn_Node.ln_Succ ) {\n"
- "\t\t\tif( Msg->IDCMPWindow == *Wnd ) {\n"
- "\t\t\t\tRemove(( struct Node *)Msg );\n"
- "\t\t\t\tReplyMsg(( struct Message *)Msg );\n"
- "\t\t\t}\n"
- "\t\t\tMsg = (struct IntuiMessage *)succ;\n"
- "\t\t}\n"
- "\n\t\t( *Wnd )->UserPort = NULL;\n"
- "\t\tModifyIDCMP( *Wnd, 0L );\n"
- "\n\t\tPermit();\n"
- "\n\t\tCloseWindow( *Wnd );\n"
- "\t\t*Wnd = NULL;\n"
- "\t}\n"
- "\n\tif( GList ) {\n"
- "\t\tFreeGadgets( *GList );\n"
- "\t\t*GList = NULL;\n"
- "\t}\n"
- "\n}\n"
- "\n"
- "void HandleIDCMPPort( void )\n"
- "{\n"
- "\tstruct IntuiMsg\t*m;\n"
- "\tvoid\t\t(*func)(void);\n"
- "\n"
- "\twhile( m = GT_GetIMsg( %s )) {\n"
- "\t\tCopyMem((char *)m, (char *)&IDCMPMsg, (long)sizeof( struct IntuiMessage ));\n"
- "\t\tGT_ReplyIMsg( m );\n"
- "\t\tfunc = IDCMPMsg.IDCMPWindow->ExtData;\n"
- "\t\t(*func)();\n"
- "\t}\n"
- "}\n",
- Files->User2 );
- }
- ///